Takara Blood Special Editions and the Applier debacle
How to apply Materials to Legacy without applier is the question of the day.
Unfortunately i had to write this T_T
1. Attach the "Advanced Material Editor (Optional) (1.0)"
3. The Bucket with the drop is the Diffuse / Texture of the Skin. This can be a bit tricky. If you have no skin texture whatsoever you can use a simpy white texture from your SL Inventory Library. It is in the texture folder and called default media texture. You click on the icon that the Arrow 3 is pointing towards, that will open up the upper and lower texture slot. The just drag and drop + ctrl the Media texture into the slots and then hit the checkmark button.
YOUR BODY TURNED WHITE and lost it's BOMbility but we fix that later.
4. Click on the drop down where your bucket was before and select the 3 Dots. They are for the Normal Map slots. This time please drag and drop + ctrl the matching Normal Map textures of my Takara items. Upper in the upper and lower in the lower slot. Once again hit the check mark button to apply the changes.
5. Now click on the 3 dots again to open the drop down menu for slot selection. This time you select the Bucket that vomits the glitter all over the place.
6. Now you drag and drop + ctrl the Spec textures into the upper and lower slot again and then hit the checkmark and apply the changes again... Your body should now have the materials on it.
7. That slider it to define how glossy it should be to match with the arms and legs well your should move the dot of the slider ( in my picture red for better visibility ) to around that point. of course you can play with it.
8. Now all that left is making the body BOM again. And i assume you already know by now how to do it. :D
Thank you for reading.